Registration deadline is JULY 5.
Spaces on field trips are limited; any registrants after July 5 are subject to being placed on a waiting list.
For questions, contact Michelle West at or call 432-386-4205 ext. 263
For the full registration form and schedule, please click here, only core events are posted below!
Thursday, July 19:
5 pm - Registration & Social - White Buffalo Bar (next door to the Gage Hotel)
Registrants are welcome to join guest speaker Kenn Kaufman, artist Gerald Sneed, and tour leaders Cameron Carver, Kelly Bryan, Steve Gross, and Mark Flippo for an informal evening meet and greet.
Friday, July 20:
8:30 am - Hummingbird Banding - Gage Gardens ($20)
Registration is required, but plenty of spaces are still available! Join researcher Kelly Bryan for up close and personal encounters with the hummingbirds of West Texas.
Noon - 7 pm - Gerald Sneed art exhibit and vendor area - Ritchey Brothers Building (across from Gage Hotel)
Join Gerald Sneed for a look at his iconic regional art and classic Texas offerings - Big Bend National Park, The Museum of the Big Bend, Swarovski Optik and others will be on hand as well!
2 pm - Butterfly Walk - Gage Gardens ($10)
Registration is required and spaces are limited- Matthew York will be leading a walk through the gardens and grasslands that are home to a dazzling array of butterflies.
Saturday, July 21:
6:30 am - Maravillas Ranch Tour - meet at Gage Hotel for transportation to Maravillas Ranch
Registration is required and spaces are limited for this private ranch south of Marathon but north of Big Bend National Park; it is home to a remarkable variety of birds as well as butterflies.
4 pm - Kenn Kaufman Lecture - Ritchey Brothers building (across from Gage Hotel) ($30)
Registration is required and spaces are still available! A field guide series barely scratches the surface of Kenn Kaufman's work; bring your books for signing!
7 pm - Dinner at the Gardens - Gage Gardens ($75)
Registration is required and spaces are still available! The final official event of the festival; a memorable evening in the gardens with food and drink... and trip leaders
For questions, contact Michelle West at or call 432-386-4205 ext. 263
To see previous posts regarding the festival:
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